Pour quel(s) marché(s) d’application les produits/solutions de votre société peuvent-ils être utilisés ?BTPGrand publicQuelle(s) fonctionnalité(s) de la peinture votre produit/solution offre-t-il ?Caractéristiques fonctionnelles (sélectionner lesquelles) :AntifissureAntisalissureHydrophobeProtection des supports :Bois plastiques métaux bâtiment…Activité générale de la sociétéMatières premières - CoatingsLiants
PLIOTEC LEB22 is pure acrylic copolymer with elastomeric properties that ensures superior resistance to exudation (surfactant leaching) and elongation resistance at low temperature. Thanks to its monomeric composition, this unique water-based resin demonstrates excellent color retention associated with strong dirt pick-up resistance. "Low Exudation Binder" technology provides improved early rain resistance to coatings. APEO (Alkylphenol Ethoxylates) free and no added formaldehyde.

PLIOTEC LEB22 is pure acrylic copolymer with elastomeric properties that ensures superior resistance to exudation (surfactant leaching) and elongation resistance at low temperature. Thanks to its monomeric composition, this unique water-based resin demonstrates excellent color retention associated with strong dirt pick-up resistance. "Low Exudation Binder" technology provides improved early rain resistance to coatings. APEO (Alkylphenol Ethoxylates) free and no added formaldehyde.